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4.22 Link

The Link component is used to create links within the application.

This component is useful for creating easy navigation between different forms or sections of the application. By clicking on the link, the application will navigate to the form specified in the route attribute.

Attribute Default Value Type Description
Common id null String Unique identifier of the component. If it doesn't have an id, it is assigned with the nomenclature ${tag}${num}.
render true Boolean or JEXLExpression EL expression to evaluate if the component should be displayed.
onBeforeRender null String JS method to execute before the current component is rendered.
onAfterRender null String JS method that will be executed once the current component is rendered.
action null String Identifier of the action to perform when the user interacts with this component.
allowsPartialRestore false Boolean If the state of the current component should be restored when the user returns to the view.
value null String or JEXLExpression EL expression to calculate the value of the component.
route null String Identifier of the target form that will open when the user clicks on the link.
<link route="formLink-list" value="link"/>

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