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4.9 Datalist

Datalist is a list-type component used to organize and present sets of related data.

Each element in this list, known as "datalistitem," has the capability to contain various elements such as tables, inputs, images, and other components.

This component is associated with a repository defined in "repo," allowing for the direct linking of data.

Additionally, it features the ability to be filtered through the "repofilter" component, providing the capability to display specific data based on predefined filtering criteria.

This versatility allows for the creation of interactive and customizable lists that can incorporate a variety of elements based on the specific requirements of the user interface and application functionality.

Attribute Default Value Type Description
Common id null String Unique identifier of the component. If it doesn't have an id, it is assigned with the nomenclature ${tag}${num}.
render true Boolean or JEXLExpression EL expression to evaluate if the component should be displayed.
onBeforeRender null String JS method to execute before the current component is rendered.
onAfterRender null String JS method that will be executed once the current component is rendered.
action null String Identifier of the action to perform when the user interacts with this component.
allowsPartialRestore false Boolean If the state of the current component should be restored when the user returns to the view.
repo null String Identifier of the repository used to fetch the data.

4.9.1 Datalistitem

Attribute Default Value Type Description
id null String Unique identifier of the component. If it doesn't have an id, it is assigned with the nomenclature ${tag}${num}.

4.9.2 Repofilter

Attribute Default Value Type Description
id null String Unique identifier of the component. If it doesn't have an id, it is assigned with the nomenclature ${tag}${num}.

The repoFilter tag has no attributes; the expression is defined by nesting predicate tags such as and, or.

  • Criteria: and, or
Attribute Default Value Type Description
property null String Name of the entity property used to filter the results.
mandatory false Boolean An operator can include the parameter "mandatory=True" to indicate that the query cannot be executed if that value is not available.
value null String or JEXLExpression EL expression used as the value.
<datalist id="datalistProvincia" repo="provinciaRepo">
        <table border="0" weigths="30, 70">
                <input label="Cod.: " value="${entity.c_provincia_id}"/>
                <input label="Provincia" value="${entity.d_provincia}"/>
        <le property="c_provincia_id" value="9"/>

Image 1

4.9.3 Components of datalist-datalistitem