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4.21 Button

An interface element that the user can touch or press to perform an action.

Attribute Default Value Type Description
Common id null String Unique identifier of the component. If it doesn't have an id, it is assigned with the nomenclature ${tag}${num}.
render true Boolean or JEXLExpression EL expression to evaluate if the component should be displayed.
onBeforeRender null String JS method to execute before the current component is rendered.
onAfterRender null String JS method that will be executed once the current component is rendered.
action null String Identifier of the action to perform when the user interacts with this component.
allowsPartialRestore false Boolean If the state of the current component should be restored when the user returns to the view.
label null String Label to be displayed.
route null String Identifier of the target form that will open when the user clicks on a button.
readonly false Boolean or JEXLExpression Evaluates whether the component should be read-only or not.
readonlyMessage null String Text displayed when clicking the button, and it is in readonly mode, meaning the action will not be executed.
confirmation false Boolean or JEXLExpression Evaluates whether the confirmation panel for the action should be shown.
labelConfirmation null String Text displayed in the confirmation panel.
action null String Action to be performed when the button is pressed: add, create, update, save, cancel, delete, nav, js. See 4.27 Action for details.
<button label="Button readonly" route="formLink-list" readonly="true" readonlyMessage="No puede realizar esta acción"/>

<button label="Button confirmation" route="formLink-list" confirmation="true" labelConfirmation="¿Desea realizar esta acción?"/>

Imagen 1 Imagen 2

4.21.1 Action

Ver 4.27. Action